It’s weird how things just seem to pop up and fall into place. I was recently hired by the RESPONSIBLE GAMBLING COUNCIL of Ontario to host and write a live, interactive game show for high school students that warned about the perils of gambling addiction. Yes, I’m well aware the whole program is slightly ironic. However, it was both educational and entertaining, and as an added bonus, I was able to get my longtime co-host Matt Phillips (Splatalot, Conventioneers) on board as well!

October and November were a couple really fun months with Matt and I hitting the road across Ontario performing live to a whole bunch of high school students… many of which happened to be Splatalot fans 🙂
Articles about the tour and show are available here:
We’re in the midst of launch week for Tiny Talent Time, and I’ve had a few articles written about me and the show.
Click on the photos below to read the full articles:






Well the first episode of Tiny Talent Time hasn’t even hit the air yet, yet due to overwhelming hype and love for the return of this iconic Canadian show, the powers that be at CHCH have already decided that we’ll be getting a SEASON TWO!
I was on CHCH Morning Live yesterday with my co-host Jackie to make the big announcement!


For anyone that grew up in South-Western Ontario area you’ll definitely remember the iconic CHCH TV series Tiny Talent Time. The youth talent showcase ran from 1957 to 1992 and was hosted by Bill Lawrence.
To coincide with the 60th anniversary of CHCH Television the show is being revamped and brought back for the 2014 fall season, and I have been lucky enough to be chosen as the host. Myself and CHCH personality Jaclyn Colville will be strapping on our tap shoes and dusting off our batons to welcome in a whole new generation of talented kids to the CHCH airwaves.

I suppose this is going to be a real change for me watching kids succeed as opposed to watching then fall on their faces on Splatalot… but for the record, I was always the commentator that was routing for our contestants to succeed, Matt Chin was the evil one.
Check out the website here:
Tiny Talent Time debuts on Saturday, September 6th at 7pm on CHCH!
Don’tcha Dare Miss It!
I learned The Toronto Sun has a very liberal definition of the word “celebrity” but I was happy to hear it as they wrote up this great little editorial about me in their Celebrity Spaces feature!
Click on the images below to enlarge them and take a look into the weird little world that I call home sweet home.

Special thanks to Chrissy Newton at VOCAB Communications for helping put this together.
It was about 2 years ago I got heavily involved with learning and performing improv thanks to the good folks at Bad Dog Theatre Company. Since that time I’ve taken many classes, performed in numerous shows, and met a ton of great people… so now it’s time to bring it all full circle and create a show where I can trash them all openly and honestly on stage!
It’s called TWO STRIKES and it’s a improv show where performers are mean to one another, the audience is mean to the performers, and as the host I’m mean to everyone… seems like a natural fit for me, right?

All shows take place at COMEDY BAR in Torotno
Come on by for laughs and to see some dreams crushed!
As any of you who follow my career know, I’ve been working as a part of the radio program The LAW: Live Audio Wrestling for nearly 15 years now. The show primarily covers professional wrestling but we do dedicate portions of the program to covering mixed martial arts as well. I have also co-hosted numerous UFC preview and post shows for TSN 1050 here in Torotno as well. I’m a big UFC fan and when I took a trip to UFC171 in Dallas last month I was contacted by the producers of the UFC countdown specials to be interviewed for their next card… so yup, here I am featured as a journalist on the UFC172 Countdown special!

Here are a couple ads for THE COMPANY STORE that I was featured in as the middleman!
So let me give you the story behind this commercial …
For those of you that follow along with my career, this spot must look like it came right from my brain… but it actually didn’t. Most of you may know that for over 10 years I’ve been the host of The LAW: Live Audio Wrestling which is North America’s leading professional wrestling and mixed martial arts radio program.
Along with that I’m also a big fan of karaoke, it’s one of my favourite things to do when I go out. So, when I saw a casting call that was looking for a guy who likes karaoke but doesn’t sing all that well, I knew I had a chance for this part. Then when I got the script and saw that I was singing about MMA… well c’mon now, this part was written for me.
… granted, now I’m worried I have a child somewhere that I don’t know about… yikes!
Two months later, I showed up to shoot a Tyson Chicken commercial and found that the same child actor (Markus Radan) was cast as my son once again… I think I’m just going to start bringing him along to auditions with me.
Hey SplatFans!
We’re well into Season 2 of Splatalot on YTV! It airs all the time so check your local listings to catch the show!

My hosting partner Matt Chin and I have the play by play call on all the action and get dressed up in some hilarious costumes once again this season, so as I like to say Don’tcha Dare Miss It!